4 Benefits of Smoking CBD You Should Know

Humans have had a very complicated relationship with the cannabis plant. Hemp was cultivated for textiles, food, medicinal and ritual uses. There are many ways to consume hemp products. Different ways of consumption of CBD will give different results. However, you can enjoy the benefits of hemp as long as it contains 0.3% THC. Smoking cannabis provides some key benefits.


Calms Down Mood

Marijuana is a go-to for those struggling with anxiety. However, a recent study published in Schizophrenia Bulletin shows a high amount of THC in marijuana can increase feelings of paranoia and anxiety. A pharmacological research under the University of Sydney shows that due to the GABA receptors in the brain, CBD has been helpful to calm the mind. Smoking CBD from a hemp plant might be a good option for those struggling with anxiety.

Helps to Stop Smoking Nicotine Cigarettes

Nicotine is an extremely addictive compound. For people with nicotine addiction, the habit of lighting up a stick and inhaling smoke perpetuates the addiction. According to a research published by US National Library of Medicine shows that hemp flower CBD offers an alternative to nicotine cigarette smokers when the craving strikes. 

CBD is Non-Intoxicating

CBD-rich hemp flowers resemble the smell and appearance of marijuana. It is not a psychotropic compound. As long as hemp flowers are CBD rich and have less than 0.3% THC, you will not get ‘high’ but calm and relaxed. 

Supports Inflammatory Function

Because of Western society, inflammation is a chronic issue. Chronic inflammation leads to stiffness, achy joints, and pain. According to a study published by the Journal of Experimental Medicine, CBD reduces inflammation and pain. 

Wrap Up

CBD cigarettes are for those looking for an exact amount of CBD to ensure consistency in the dosage and eliminate guessing. They are convenient to use and carry. In addition, CBD cigarettes provide great physical and mental well-being, helping to promote healthy inflammatory function and supporting a healthy sleep cycle. 


At Kingdom Harvest, we provide organically grown and naturally processed hemp flower and CBD products.

